Hey puppers and kittehs!
You gots to see what I got in the pressie exchange!
Mille (and Walter) sent me some PAWSOME stuffs!!
Ooooo, purty paper!!!
(Ma says ignore her baggy sweatpants and tennies!)
I got it now!
Ooooooo! It's a Nylabone Chewie!!!
How did you guys know I LOVES these??
(I've been chewin' it since Christmas!!!)
I smell somethin' else....
OMD, it's ZUKES!!!
Who doesn't like THEM??!
What??? There's MORE??!
My very own MARGARITA BANDANA!!!!!
(it's beautifuls!!!!!!!!)
How does it look???
I'm NEVER takin' it off!
(RM: it's true, she actually kept it on for hours! and didn't like it when I took it off her!)
Millie and Walter!!!
I loves all my pressies!!!