I am joinin'
Sugar and
Goose for the 2nd Anniversary of their
{This Moment} See Beautiful.....
Blog Hop!
This hop encourages us to share the beauty
we have seen in the world, and this day is special ~
It is dedicated to our good pal Goose and his Moms!
See, recently Goose had a very scary medical emergency.
And, we are overjoyed that Goose is feelin' betters! Butts, those darn vettie bills
can be really HUGE!
So, for every Blogger who joins the hop, they are donating some green papers
to help with the cost!
How PAWSOME is that??!
So, what makes me See Beautiful......?
Purty flowers are Beautifuls....
Butts, what I thinks is most Beautifuls, is all our pals in
When I thinks of all of you.....
Blogville residents ROCK!
We all come togethers when we need each other,
in good times and hard times,
We can always count on our furiends havin' our furry little backsides!
THAT is beautifuls to me.....
* * * * * *
Nows, there is a new resident in Blogville....
Nows, Dui needs some advice to deal with the peeps and maybe even his sisters....
So, what's my advice??
- Master the 'Some other doggie did it!" look....this will be invaluable in the days, weeks and years to come!
- The recycling bin is a good resource for fun! Just remember #1 when you get caught...
- If you feel the need to poop, pee or upchuck, the peeps like it when you do it on the rugs (they will scream with joy...just watch!)
- Remember ~ Gurls RULE, boys drool. This is a fact. Just ask your Sisters....
- Don't pee on your balls (the bouncy kind...I can't give you advice on the other kind....)
Welcome to Blogville Dui!!!
With your good looks, you are gonna have to beat the gurls off with a stick...