Yups ~ that's our State Motto here in Californ-I-A !!
Wells, actually, it's
"Eureka....I have found it!"
yeah, whatevers, I thinks mine is betters.
Yesterday, as some of you heard, we had a DOOZY of an earthquake around here!
Okays, it was abouts 85 miles north of us,
butts we felt it!!
Okays, we slept through it
Butts we COULD have felt it if we were consciousness !! ☺
This is the distance between us (Santa Clara County)
Napa County
When there's an earthquake anywhere in the
Bay Area
The whole Bay Area usually feels it.
Wells, except for the sleeping dead.
We thinks everyone is gonna be okays, some peeps lost their homes in some fires and from the damage,
(Please pray for them, and keep them in your thoughts)
Butts, we are a hearty, wine soaked bunch, and we will rebuild better than ever!
okays, maybe I'M margarita 'soaked' butts you get my drift!
And for all of you worried abouts the
No worries!!
There will be plenty to go around...
just ask Ma....
to see some of the photos
So, I'll just pretend these are Wine Bubbles .....
Anyone see the cheese????