Hey puppers and kittehs ~
Yesterday the big Food Box
(the peeps call it a Fridge )
Or, should I say, it died for a few hours....
"What?" you say?
Yes, my Ma got it goin' again!!!
See, what you don't knows about my Ma, is that she is
a mechanical FONZ!
She can
hit, wiggle, jigle
almost anythings into workin' again......
at least for a while
While Ma still had to go and shell out
of green papers for a new one,
at least she didn't loose all the foodables in the
food box .
Ma has been cleanin' like the Pope is comin' for a visit!!!
(and no, I don't mean our resident Blogville Pope Kyla! ☺)
She kept goin' on and on abouts
a ton of dust BUNNIES
behind the Food Box....
So I ran overs thinkin' it was the
FUN kind of bunnies I've been hearin' so much abouts
I hears they leave
(I don't knows, cause we don't have these FABulous creatures around heres....:( )
It was just the kind that makes Ma
mumble to herself
" how the hell did all this get behind here?!"
"I thought Airdales don't shed!"
"Geez, a margarita sure sounds good about now....."
okays, maybe that last one was MOI
So, I've been doin' a lot of this.
Best to stay outta the way when Ma's on a cleanin' spree!
Ya never know....
I could be next!!!!!