OMD, puppers and kittehs and crabbies,
it's FABulous to be back!!!
You missed me, right??!
Hello? Hello???
um...anyhu ~
What a night it's gonna be!!!!
I've pulled out all the stoppers outta the champagne bottles
(and the sparkling cider for you youngins out there! )
I've stocked up the MARGARITA TRUCK!
Nows, I've been workin' my
makin' some new drinkies for this most special night...
okay, I MIGHT have *burp* SAMPLED a few......
JUST to make sure they were safe tasty as all get-out!
'cuse me....☺
They are TASTY!!!
Lets me tell you what I gots....
Nows, I won't tell you what's in this exactly...butts the 'PUNCH' should give ya a clue!
I would stick to maybe only 87 of these...
See those little 'floaty' thingies....that's the 'surprise'! hehehehe
Yeah, these might look all gurly and stuffs, butts they will kick your furry arse!
So maybe only drink one at a time....Madi....☺
Nows, these were YUMMERS!!!
(and NO...Ziggy, these aren't THOSE kinda 'balls'...hehehehehe)
Wells, you can't have a PAWTY without the BREEEEEEEWSKI'S!!!!!
And for you traditionalist out is our very own BLOGVILLE CHAMPAGNE!
(thanks Easy, it's is DELISH!!!!)
Well....what else would I be servin' from a Margarita Truck??
CRAP! Who let him in?????
Okay, I hears that Ziggy has fired up the Food Truck and WOWSA!
I don't knows what to eat I thinks I'll have another margarita, then decide...BOL!
Now, don't forgets to stop by my most HANDSOME Fiance's bloggie
(and his brudder! ☺)
for all the latest in Blogville HiJinks

Thanks Dory and the Boyz and Murphy and Stanley, for doin' a most FABulous job!!!
We loves you!!!
Oh, did you all see what my Stud Muffin gave me????
Isn't it BEAUTIFULS???
It's almost as big as my snooter!!!
Okays, time to head overs to gets some foodables....
'cuse me...