Hey puppers, kittehs, and bunnies!
I knows what you're thinkin'.....
"Ruby, have you gone and lost your last marble???! It's February...there ain't no flowers in Feb.!!"
(HEY! I heard some of you sayin' I marinated my LAST MARBLE ages ago!!! Not funny!)
Wells, that's what you thinks!
And, I gots proof!
Kerazy right?!
Wells, it's gonna be in the mid 70's all week too!
Pawfect weather for the
That's right, the Super Bowl is HERE in our Silicon Valley this year!
I could hop the Light Rail to Levi's Stadium, butts alas, they don't allow doggies on!
With the weather so FABulous, I don't thinks anyone is gonna wanna leave!
Wells, I could always rent out my TUNNEL on AireBnB! hehehehe
AireScent, no extra charge......
pees: for all of you who tried to view my most FABulous video yesterday,
Ma gots it straightened out...apparently the music on the JibJab video is copyright protected, so it can't be used publicly. The poopheads at Sony said 'NO, NO' to me posting it. pfffft!
So...Ma deleted the music and added some freebie music instead.
Not as cool, butts my furs are still HAWT!
to watch it