Hey puppers, kittehs, burdies, and stalkers!
Ma had made my appointment for my vettie yesterday, and thought I could wait til today to see him.
My ear had other plans....
Last night, around 10pm, I started breathing funny, tilting my head, and panting.
Nope. Can't wait.
Must go to the ER Vettie now!
Ma puts on her pants (don't worries, she was wearing shorts...it's not like she goes around the house in her undies or anythings....really.)
and off we went.
I was panting and whining and thought we were gonna go to the park in the dark or somethings!
We're in luck!
Can you believes it???!!!
Yeah, neither could Ma!
She thought it was a joke or somethings!
You knows I am NEVER WITHOUT DRAMA.....
so, what did I do???
BOL!!!! BOL!!!! BOL!!!!!
Take THAT you dirty vettie diet fiends!!!
At furst, she thought I just pharted, cause she was trying to 'tare' the scale and not looking down...
then BLAM!
Oh man....sweet revenge....
Butts, I digress ....
They cleaned my ears, gave me pain injections and stuffs
and sent me home with ear medication.
Now, Ma already knew what my PAWSOME VETTIE Dr. Kafka had in mind,
so she didn't use the drops, just waited til our appt. today.
At least I was able to make it through the night.
I wasn't happy though. Nope. Gave Ma the STINK EYE all nights....
This morning wasn't much better, butts help was on the horizon.
By noon, I was feeling good enough to eats some kibbles and drink some waters.
you still with me....this is looooong winded...☺ |
When it was time to leave for my appt. , I was SUPER DUPER HYPER!
Droolin' and barkin' and causing Ma to make all kinds of 'sigh' noises.
Hold on to your collars......WE WERE THE ONLY ONES THERE AGAIN!!!!
OMD, can you believes it?!
So, they took me into the back room
And Ma could hear the vettie tech wrastlin' with me to clean my ears
(pees: I thinks I won two of the five rounds...☺)
The vettie puts this PAWSOME ear medication in my ears,
it lasts for 7 DAYS, and we go back next week for the second dose!
Here's the best part....Ma doesn't have to do anythings!!
with this med, you don't clean the ears during those seven days.
I have a new allergy med. that I'm sure some of you have been on
Apoquel and I'm taking my Rovera for the inflammation.
So far, so good!
I was able to take naps, and eats and drinks and stop panting!
So, that is the drama of my ear.
I gots my paws crossed that this will work, and there are no surgicals in my future!!
Thanks BUNCHES for all the POTP!!!!
I thinks it's working....
87 milkbones for those still reading this.....