Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Angel Jazzi's Taco Day!

Hey puppers, kittehs, burdies, and asst. furiends!

Sorry I've been MIA, butts squirrels decided to invade Ma's puter
SNOT in it, and EAT MY PHOTOS!!!

What photos you ask???




I didn't wants to miss Angel Jazzi's Taco Day,

so, I told Ma to use the pics from last year.

I pretty much got the same kinda tacos anyhu, 

so we will just pretend that these are my new pics....frickin' tree rats!

 On with the TACOS!


Lickin' my CHOPS!
I WOOFED those baby's down in no time!!

Who wants the lettuce anyways?? BOL

What are TACOS without MARGARITAS??!  

Margaritas for everyone!!!

Thanks Angel Jazzi!    I LOVES me TACO DAY!!!


  1. Guess what Boo? We have the same China plates as you! Yes we do, our mom shops at a fancy place called Costco to get them! They are wonderful 'cept they don't do too well in the dishwasher BOL! I have to say you are looking quite lovely today. Of course how could you not? I hope your ear is doing good. It is kinda cooling off around here for a couple days so me and Stanley are feeling kinda frisky. Are you feeling frisky hee . . . hee . . .

    Your Loving Stud Muffin & Tick Tack


  2. We didn't get tacos, but Mom is cooking bacon tonight for sandwiches, so maybe we can convince her to cook some extra for some poor hungry dogs. How is that ear doing?

  3. That looks totally nommilicious Ruby! Even better that you had a margarita to wash it down with ;)
    Sounds like the squirrels got into your house as well as making Cricket take the fall, hehe.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  4. Those look tasty! Oh, and I'm BOLing at Murphy's comment. ;)

  5. Yummy! That Jazzi loved tacos
    Lily & Edward

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ruby those tacos look dog gone delicious! I must say I truly admire your manners....waiting to be told to eat. I might look delicate and dainty but when it comes to my food I'm a H O G!!
    Thanks for the drinkies!!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. Yum!....except for the green stuff. Glad to see you discarded it! Bwahaahaa! We had our usual weekend dinner in a taco shell with cheese. It was good, but no new taste treat.

  8. We got shafted out of tacos too, Ruby. Next year for both of us, right?!

  9. BOL I take it from your photos you're not a vegetarian. You ate the meat and tortilla and left the rest for the rabbits.

    Aroo to you,

  10. good job on leaving that icky green stuff on the floor :)

  11. Ruby, say that again.... NO one wants the lettuce!!!!!
    Sorry the tree rats ate your pictures, the little buggers are
    all over my yard.
    Your tacos sure look good tonight.
    xo Astro

  12. Those tacos look really good... I think we need to have some tacos too! Um what are tacos? ~ Bonnie "the I've never had tacos" Pup

  13. When life gives you lemons make lemonade.
    Ruby, get even by making squirrel tacos.

  14. Oh u got it all PLUS margaritaz.
    Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor

  15. You can never go wrong with tacos 🌮

  16. Hazel wants to know if she can have those few tomatoes you left on your plate
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. We just love Taco Day! It's a great way to honor Angel Jazzi and it's tasty too!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  18. Happy Taco Day!... now I know what I missed... the mama furgot the margaritas... at least she said so... but I bet they landed in her 7 stomachs :o)

  19. We absolutely LOVE Taco Day and we always think of Jazzi when we are eating them!! Now...let's talk about those Margaritas!! Mama didn't serve us any of those!! We will have to get on her case about that!! We did enjoy the tacos though and it looks like you did too!!

  20. How in the WORLD did we miss this special event!??! This is what happens when our mom gets "busy" -- we suffer! I think she owes us a taco or two. And those margaritas, too!
    Sheesh. Good help is so hard to find!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher


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