Monday, October 31, 2016

No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters!

Hey, have you heard??

Our pals Dory, Arty and Jakey are doing a pawsome event for shelters!

Hop on over HERE and check it out!


you ask, Ruby, what are you doin'????

GLADS you asked!

Ma drove over to the local Santa Clara County Shelter and donated a TON of foodables


Blankets and towels!

They always needs those!

And she handed over some green papers, just to be on the safe side....

you don't wants those furiends to go without before they  find their furever homes!

Wanna be a Superhero???

Help out a rescue or a shelter ~  you will feel SUPER abouts it!


  1. Totally agree that those who rescue pups and cats and other animals are the heroes!

  2. You and your Mom are both superheroes to do all those fabulous things for the benefit of the shelter!!! That was so kind!!!

    Happy Howloween.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  3. Wahoo!! Go Ruby, what great gals you and your Mama are!!
    Happy Halloween Smileys!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  4. That is a very super hero thing to do!! Way to go, Ruby!!
    Wyatt and Tegan

  5. Hooray to you and your Ma! The kitties and puppies at the shelter are gonna be nice and warm with full bellies tonight! And you look adorable in your pink cape!
    Braeden, Seth and Riley

  6. Squeee! You are the cutest superhero ever! Thanks for taking care of the less fortunate pups.

  7. Yup, F.A.R. (Foothills Animal Rescue).

  8. Aww I love that you're a superhero.
    But come on now, the Winchesters know you're their fave demon. ;)

  9. aww ruby, what a super thing to do. you are a super pup!
    btw, i LOVE your pink cape. ♥
    wags, bailey unleashed

  10. You are a true superhero Ruby and so is your mum!
    Bet those shelter pups are so grateful.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  11. That's not a really are a superhero, like Elliot and Cricket said!

  12. It sure does make you feel good to donate to a shelter or rescue group. You make a great super dog in that costume.

  13. Ruby WTG gurllllllllll we know the shelter was tickled nearly as pink as your super duper costume!! I love love it!!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  14. You go Girl!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. That's a great idea. We always take old towels and stuff to the shelter.

  16. That is wonderful of you and your ma to do! We are still waiting for our mom to take the donation over! I will bark at you tonight my love and tell you about me and Stanley being REAL published authors!!!!!! XOXOXOXO

    Your True Love Stud Muffin & Tick Tack!

    Cherry Bomb!

  17. My Peeps donate all sorts of things to a certain, local Resale Store. This particular one gives all proceeds to a nearby animal rescue group. It makes both Kali and Me happy as we are both rescues.

  18. We do the same thing Ruby! They need all the help they can get! Love that superhero cape!

  19. Mom keeps a box in the laundry room that she fills with goodies for the shelter.

  20. Our mom made a similar donation to our shelter! She made Dad go with her so she wouldn't come home with anyone -- if you know what I mean!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  21. Hey Ruby!
    Wow, you surely are one gorgeous super hero gal! Great job helping out the other less fortunate pooches. What a sweet way to celebrate and support a shelter.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  22. *You* and your *mom* are superheroes - no doubt about it. We love you, Ruby!


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