Hey Blogville, here I am at the Emergency vetties this morning.
Yesterday I had the runny poopies, butts was still kinda eating and drinking.
Last night I wouldn't even eats my freeze dried chicken! I KNOWS!
This morning, I couldn't put any weight on my rear left leggie.
That's why I am sitting like that ☺
So, Ma said we shouldn't wait for the vettie to open, we needed to go now.
So, vettie examined my leggie, no issues he could feel with the tendons or bones.
Offered x-rays, and since Ma wanted to make sure there wasn't something weird goin' on with my tummy too, she opted for the xrays, so I'm still at the ER vetties.
Any POTP and healin' vibes would be pawsome, cause you knows the Moms worry SO much!
Will update when Ma knows more.
Ma just picked me up from the vetties and the news is GOOD!
The x-rays didn't show anything goin' on with my tummy or colon.
And nothing freaky with my leggie either!
The vettie gave Ma two pain meds to give me, butts I STILL won't eat yet.
Butts Ma's not too worried, nows that she knows my x-rays were clear.
AND, my bloodwork was good too!
Ma says I'm a DRAMA QUEEN!
Wells, she didn't needs that new Fridge anyways........☺
for all the POTP and well wishes ~
I just knows that's why the news was good!!
Ma???? When can I have margaritas???
Ma just picked me up from the vetties and the news is GOOD!
The x-rays didn't show anything goin' on with my tummy or colon.
And nothing freaky with my leggie either!
The vettie gave Ma two pain meds to give me, butts I STILL won't eat yet.
Butts Ma's not too worried, nows that she knows my x-rays were clear.
AND, my bloodwork was good too!
Ma says I'm a DRAMA QUEEN!
Wells, she didn't needs that new Fridge anyways........☺
for all the POTP and well wishes ~
I just knows that's why the news was good!!
Ma???? When can I have margaritas???