Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Need some POTP

Hey Blogville,  here I am at the Emergency vetties this morning.

Yesterday I had the runny poopies, butts was still kinda eating and drinking.
Last night I wouldn't even eats my freeze dried chicken!  I KNOWS!


This morning, I couldn't put any weight on my rear left leggie.
That's why I am sitting like that ☺

So, Ma said we shouldn't wait for the vettie to open, we needed to go now.

So, vettie examined my leggie, no issues he could feel with the tendons or bones.
Offered x-rays,  and since Ma wanted to make sure there wasn't something weird goin' on with my tummy too, she opted for the xrays, so I'm still at the ER vetties.

Any POTP and healin' vibes would be pawsome, cause you knows the Moms worry SO much!

Will update when Ma knows more.


Ma just picked me up from the vetties and the news is GOOD!

The x-rays didn't show anything goin' on with my tummy or colon.

And nothing freaky with my leggie either!

The vettie gave Ma two pain meds to give me, butts I STILL won't eat yet.

Butts Ma's not too worried, nows that she knows my x-rays were clear.

AND, my bloodwork was good too!

Ma says I'm  a DRAMA QUEEN!

Wells, she didn't needs that new Fridge anyways........☺


for all the POTP and well wishes ~ 

I just knows that's why the news was good!!

Ma????  When can I have margaritas???


  1. OH NO! I am already in worry/fret mode, please keep us posted, prayers for you sweet Ruby and the vet and your momma... love you Ruby....hugs

  2. Sending lots of woofs and prayers, Ruby. I hope it's nothing serious. Tell the mom to let us know when she knows. Now we're all worried.

    Big healing scritches and hugs. ♥

  3. Oh dear, POTP from all of us here too. We hope the all better finds you soon.

  4. Oh Ruby, feel betters real soon!!!
    Sending tons of POTP your way!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  5. Rambunctious gal pal
    Unbelievably sweet and kind
    Beloved by all
    You know we all have your back!!
    Dearest Ruby and Mom I send you all my hugs and prayers and hopes by now you are home and resting I have posted on POTP TOO.
    with love

  6. Oh no! I am so distressed at this news that mom had to post it for me! I hope everything is OK on the xray and this turns out to be a simple misunderstanding between you and your belly. Do you need me to come there and massage your leg? I know your ma is worried sick too. Sending all my love to you and crossing my paws until I hear you are OK!

    Your Beloved Stud Muffin and True Love Furever!

    Murphy and Stanley

  7. Hari OM
    no, no, no... this is not good to read - you have my Love and POTP x 87 centrillion!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. We have our paws crossed tight for you Ruby and hope the vet can figure out what is wrong. We sure hope there is a simple cure for you and you will be home soon.

  9. Ruby, we're sending you maximum strength POTP from across the Pond.
    Hugs to your Mom too.
    Gail and Bertie.

  10. Crossing all our paws TIGHT, Ruby!! I hope it's nothing too serious. Licks to your worried momma too!

  11. Ruby, you look so unhappy in this photo! Hoping for good news from the vet, and that you're your normal self really soon.

  12. You have our POTP x 3 and healing vibes. Not able to eat your freeze-dried chicken. Things must be bad! You get well, girl.

  13. Oh NO!!! Lots and lots of Sibe vibes headed your way with lots of POTP and some prayers from Mom. Lightning says he hopes your leg is OK. Do keep us updated.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Oh, this is sad news, Ruby. I hope your vet figures out what the problem is so you can feel comfortable again and your mum will be happy again.

  15. OMD...girlfuriend what have you done didded to yurselves? I nose you gonna be okee dokee but I's sendin you some good ole weenie hugs and lots of POTP.

  16. Ruby darlin'''''I bet you heard the thunderous appaws from way over here..
    I am so relieved and happy that you feel better and I know Ma is relieved too.
    Geeeez I hope the current fridge is okey dokey otherwise the Margaritas will be HOT.
    Hugs Cecilia

  17. OMD, we are just reading this now! Thank doG that you're going to be okay, Ruby! We are going to send you lots of AireZen and positive vibes just to keep you safe!

  18. Oh no, Ruby dear. So sorry hearing about your ER trip. Sending oodles of poodles of healing recovery thoughts. We want you back chasing tree rats, serving up 'Ritas and noshing on chicken soon. Hugs and tails wags from the whole Ranch crew.

  19. We are praying that Ruby is back to normal tomorrow and eating well. We are so happy the prayers worked.

  20. We will still be concerned and giving potp until your eating normally again and moving ok on your leg. Love and wags. Xena, Lucy and Mom

  21. Ruby Darlin`
    What are you trying to scare the wits out of us!!!
    We send all the POTP and good voodoo dolls your way.
    If you need us to come chase the tree rats away let us know.
    Be Well darlin girl hugs and kisses♥
    Astro and Mitzie

  22. Oh my goodness! I was panicked until I saw your update. We are so thankful that you checked out okay. Maybe you will eat when your tummy feels better. Diarrhea can make you feel yucky for sure. We will still send you hugs and lots of POTP for a quick recovery. XXOO

  23. Yeah experience but worth it Mom was so right to take you there she really loves you so much

  24. You're just running up the bill.

  25. PHEW!! What a relief! Sometimes we just have to keep our mommas on their toes!

  26. Hi, Ruby, I read the first part of your post with trepidation; we are very happy there are no serious issues. Keep on the mend. /Fay & the cardis 3 & the new SPooo

  27. Happy Days are here again ... waving all our paws upward for Ruby ... way to go, girl!

  28. oh ruby... we are so glad that the vetman had such good news... healing thoughts and lots of potp to you!!!

  29. (I must have missed this post somehow. Blame it on my ghostwriter working too much.) But we sure hope you feel better real soon!

    Whenever Joey dog got stomach trouble we'd make chicken soup with rice.

  30. Ruby we're mighty happy to hear that you are AOK in all departments! We will keep sending some POTP just so you can keep your "POTP TANK" filled up in case you need it OK? Enjoy that margarita. Have one for me too!

    Hugs, Teddy

  31. Thank Cat you are allright, Ruby. We just got the message in our inbox and you scared th peep out of me and Granny. Here come some Healing Pawkisses to feel all your gorgeous self again soon. Stay well sweet furriend🐾😽💞

  32. Hiya Rubes...just checking in to see how you are doing. I hope you and Ma slept well last night and that you ate some freeze dried chicken
    Hugs Cecilia

  33. Such good news Ruby ! But please start to eat so you and Mom can get back to doing your Airedale robics !

  34. OH!!!!!!! So glad to hear that all you need is a MARGARITA!!!!! Love you, The Peepstress and Winston. And the Dad Peep too.

  35. Oh dear Ruby, we are behind and just seeing this, hope you are feeling better today!!!
    hugs and POTP
    Mabel & Hilda

  36. Yikes! I just seen your post, Ruby, and have to say you had me very worried until I saw the update. Thank goodness the results have come back negative and you on the mend. This here kitty is sending lots of healing purring vibrations to get you well again, asap—after all there are squirrels awaiting!

  37. So glad to hear that the xrays were good! I'm about to look at the next update :) Sorry that I was MIA during your crisis.

  38. Lulu: "Wow, scary, Ruby! We're glad that the X-rays were clear and hope you are back to feeling top notch very soon, if not already!"


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