Ruby is doing REALLY good!
Heeeeey! Yes! I am doin' good guys!
See that wrap on my ankle? That's my pain patch, and it is FABulous puppers!
Better than 87 pitchers of margaritas!
Ma thinks when it wears off tomorrow, I might have a different idea!
Today I got a towel and tried to play, butts Ma said 'not yet'.
I gots my appetite back! At furst Ma was HAND FEEDING ME!
I tried my best SAD PUPPY DOG EYES, and it worked! BOL!
I am still getting LOTS of small snacks, instead of my usual meals.
Drinkin' plenty of waters too.
When the surgical nurse was giving Ma all the post-surgical instructions,
she said, "Don't be surprised if Ruby doesn't poop for a while, that's normal on the pain patch"
Ma almost LOL!
Ma said that I have never had a problem in that department!
And she was right ~ as soon as I got home I pooped. BOL!
Anyhu, enough abouts poops!
I thinks it's time for a nap.......take over Ma
Okay ~ Ruby's Mom here ~
she is doing SO much better than I expected. I am really pleased at her progress so far!
Her incision looks SCARY, but good. she doesn't mind me looking and checking a few times a day.
She is doing well in her inflatable collar. I got her a "Doggy After Surgical shirt" , which she was okay with, but she didn't like the back of it because it wasn't enough leg room for her. ( I was thinking of a t-shirt like Lightning's Mom suggested, but her incision goes ALL the way to her vajayjay! ) It's a great idea if your pupper or kitteh has to have any surgicals and a cone freaks them out. Just not right for her.
I likes the inflatable collar cause I have a pillow where ever I go!
(It really does make a good chin rest!)
True, hey ~ I thought you were taking a nap??
I was, butts I was bored. And I thought I heard the UPS guy......he always brings me something.
No. not today. Go back to your bed, I make sure you don't miss anything important....
Keep the POTP coming!
It's working! Thank you all so much!
I'll keep you posted on her progress!