Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Wordy Wednesday Walkies

Lookie what these nice peeps put out on the strip!

There were some really good smells....

Yes, it's chained to the tree, cause anything NOT chained down will 
'walk away'....BOL!

And I leave you with a really cool Sunflower!

Thanks for joining me on my walkie!


for more pawsome pics!

Thanks for hosting Sandee!!


  1. I want the seeds from the sunflower.

  2. Hari OM
    Oh yeah, the sunflower is the bestest! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I love sunflowers. They are such happy flowers.

    I laughed over the chained bench and then remembered that the thieves are out and about everywhere.

    I love going on walkies with you, Miss Ruby.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. ♥

  4. That's nice that someone put a bench there. Now your mom can sit while you sniff. BOL!

  5. I love sunflowers! And this one is a true beauty and the first thing I thought when I saw that pretty vent is it's a sad sad World when they have to chain a bench to a tree. Of course that doesn't shock me at all. It also doesn't shock me that you have your nose sniffing where all the people have been. Big boy said to tell you that this morning when he walked with Mommy and Daddy both at the same time for the first time in a week that Daddy did let him do let him do more sniffing than normal but not as much sniffing as wind just Mommy

  6. Nice to have a bench to rest on. They should put out a dog bed for you to rest on. That's a nice sunflower. We have some goldfinches that would really like to attack it.

  7. That is such a beautiful sunflower. We hope you enjoyed your walks during that day and to smell all the good smells all around. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  8. Sometimes, Ruby, as I walk in the neighborhood, I wish I could sit down on a bench for a few minutes! I've looked at some houses, wondering if they would object to my resting a bit on their porch...

  9. Whew thank goodness neither the tree or the bench were under arrest. BOL BOL BOL But OMDs it is such a shame about people taking such pretty things that aren't even theirs. I love the bench style.
    That bench is is a very nice location too
    Hugs cecilia

  10. BOL...Peeps chain all their stuff up here too!!
    What a beautimous sunflower!

  11. What a pretty sunflower!!! They are in full bloom here too.

    Chain that bench - we wouldn't want the squirrels to haul it away:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. We love sunflowers! They have such happy faces and always make us smile☺

  13. Nothing makes a huMom smile bigger than seeing a sunflower. Well done, Ruby!

  14. I'll be right over with my chainsaw ~ we can grab that bench in no time.
    Sweet William The Scot

  15. Sorry we are so late reading your great post with a pretty flower in it. Mommy was getting ready for our trip and didn't have time to relax, or so she said. XOX Xena and Lucy

  16. That is a very nice bench nd handy for the peeps to catch their breath and for you to check any pee mails.

  17. Descreva o que você vê em detalhes usando palavras precisas e criativas. Experimente usar novos termos que você aprendeu recentemente.


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